Why World According to Garg?

A lot of people have asked me, “What’s up with the name of your blog?”  And to them I respond, “It’s not what you think.”  I haven’t read the John Irving novel “The World According to Garp” nor have I seen the movie of the same name, except in bits and pieces.  OK, so what gives?

“The World According to Garg” was the name of my high school creative writing class journal.  I never really wrote in it as often as my teacher wanted me to.  But I did, for some reason sign a piece of paper with my name spelled Garg instead of Gary.  I saw it.  It was my handwriting.  I don’t know what the heck I was thinking but, there it was, plain as day.  I wrote my first name as Garg.  So, since movie The World According to Garp was popular when I was in high school, and Garg rhymed with Garp, so, The World According to Garg was born.  My journal was supposedly filled with stories that were about my world view, so it was a perfect fit.

Not too deep nor metaphysical.  But it is appropriate and has personal significance.  While my high school journal may not have been a giant success, perhaps it was a foreshadowing of my current blog?



Ok, I’m in the process of migrating my blog from Tumblr to WordPress.  It hasn’t been as smooth and swimming as I’d […]

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