
Ok, I’m in the process of migrating my blog from Tumblr to WordPress.  It hasn’t been as smooth and swimming as I’d hoped.  All this DNS and widget stuff has really gotten my hamster wheel spinning.  And the wheel is squeaking a lot and is annoying a lot of people.  Please bear with me as I get this in order.

I promise to get this site looking much sexier in the coming couple weeks.  Always remember that the content is still great.  It just doesn’t look so good right now.  It’s like that girl your mom always wanted you to date in high school.  The one with the great personality.   Yeah, you know what I’m talking about…


Why World According to Garg?

Why World According to Garg?

A lot of people have asked me, “What’s up with the name of your blog?”  And to them I respond, “It’s not […]

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