
Some people get depressed in the winter.  They spend hours each day pining for spring and do everything in their power to find ways to distract themselves until the weather gets warm again.  They head to Jamaica.  They yearn for the warmth.  They curse the cold.  While there’s nothing wrong with a nice trip to the Caribbean, I think all these people are crazy.  Winter is great.  Here’s why.

Winter is when everything rests.  The trees, the grass, the animals…  You name it.  It’s a time to hibernate.  To chill (no pun intended) until things start stirring again.  It’s a time to reflect.  Put your slippers on and read a good book.  It’s time to do tasks at your own pace and not give a damn whether you complete them in the shortest time possible.  You can loaf.  Reflect on life.  Reorganize.  Regroup.  Plan and set goals.  It’s the magic season for the introspective.

The other seasons are nice but they all have their flaws and are more anxiety ridden than winter.  Spring, for instance, brings new life to the barren landscape.  It gets you moving again.  You can feel the vitamin D start coursing through your veins.  But it also starts that vague feeling that you’d better get something done.  Spring thaw is here and it’s time to get outside.  You can’t waste a good day.

It’s the same in the summer, but the itch to achieve increases tenfold.  There’s always a compulsion to get out and do something.  Do anything outdoors just to make sure that you don’t waste a single second of that precious, beautiful day.  Frisbee, golf, take a walk, barbecue something, have a picnic, go to a festival…  Whatever it is, just get out there and do it!  It’s only summer for about two months in Wisconsin where I live, so you have to soak it up like you’ve got three biscuits and only enough gravy for one.  After all, when it’s 75 and sunny out, the last thing you want to do is sit inside in front of your computer.  Summer’s in short supply.  You gotta make it count.

If a day does get away from you where it’s beautiful out and you didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy any of it, you feel like you let one get away.  That day was like a hot girl who tried to show you she liked you and you were too stupid to notice.  She made exaggerated eye contact, touched your knee, and changed the inflection of her voice when she talked to you.  But you didn’t get her name, cel number, email address, or anything to capitalize on the opportunity.  You will always live with the regret that you fucked that one up.  She might have been the girl of your dreams.  Sure, there’re other fish in the sea but you let that one good one slip through your fingers.

Fall is nice because it’s like the pillow talk after sex.  You’ve just had the great climax of summer and you can relax a little in the warm after-glow.  You feel good but you know, in the back of your mind, that the best is over.  There’s a feeling of impending doom.  The good shit is almost used up.  Like you’re in the Donner party and your rations are almost depleted.  You think, enjoy this moment but soon you’re going to have to roast Uncle Billy’s quadriceps to survive.

But that feeling of doom is really an illusion.  Your mind is playing tricks on you.  When winter arrives, there may be a moment of trepidation but it’s coupled with the relief that there isn’t the impending pressure to always get out there and do something.  It’s cold and shitty out.  You can stay in and drink coffee secure in knowing that it’s nasty outside but warm and cozy right there where you are.  You needn’t go anywhere.  Perfection is already right where you’re sitting.  That’s a good feeling.

And there’s other good stuff about winter too.  The season starts with the king of all holidays, Christmas.  You’ve got football, NCAA basketball, and long dark days where you can relax indoors without that constant feeling that a great day is slipping by.  Indoors is the best place to be.

So, next time you start thinking that you hate winter, think about the good stuff the season brings.  The pressure’s off.  Relax.  Enjoy the time off.  Grab your honey and crawl under a nice warm comforter together. Winter is good.  Summer will be here soon enough.

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