Squirrels Forget

Sometimes I ponder things.  The order of the universe and such.  It became strikingly evident to me that it’s a good thing all beings on earth don’t have the same habits nor share the same intelligence level.  I think it’s part of the divine plan.

For instance, no one would ever say that a squirrel is the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer.  The way they always seem to be in a hurry.   The way they run all the way across the road, completely avoiding trouble, only to turn around in an instant like they forgot their cel phone and whack…  Get run over by your car.  They’re the animal equivalent of a nervous, smoking, 1950′s era expectant father pacing in a waiting room.

I was walking through the yard the other day and noticed a volunteer walnut tree coming up in the middle of nowhere.  I thought it was cool because I like walnut trees.  I already have three in my yard in fact.  Then I thought, “How did this tree get here?  A squirrel must have buried a nut here and forgotten about it.”

Then boom it hit me.  It’s because animals are sloppy, forgetful, and gross that we have a natural process that works as well as it does.  A seagull eats a fish and deposits the eggs in another lake and we get diversity of species.  Gross, but effective.  Bees get all covered in dusty pollen and leave a dirty trail from flower to flower like Pigpen in the Peanuts cartoons.  And this process somehow make plants thrive.  Because squirrel’s brains are the size of a pencil eraser they forget where they bury their nuts sometimes.  Voila.  New trees pop up, and we get forests.  Genius.

Don’t worry if you forget where you bury a nut or two.  It’s the equivalent of finding $5 in the pocket of a pair of pants you had stored for a year.  All things work for good if you pay close enough attention.

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