
I think everyone know’s someone who makes a public display of their good deeds.  You know who I’m talking about.  Loud, boisterous people whose efforts pander to showcase their wonderful acts of kindness and generosity.  "Look at me!  I’m being generous!“  Their efforts aren’t necessarily to help anyone in particular, but to collect accolades, compliments, and recognition.  These gestures usually aren’t complete without a dose of mock-humility and self-aggrandizement.  It’s my belief that you should avoid these people like the plague.

I know someone like this.  Her efforts start with an ego-driven compulsion to inspire others, rather than a simple desire to be quietly inspirational.  I dare say, if you’re trying to inspire so that you can be this wonderful, inspirational person, the day will come when you are found out, your works crash to the ground, and you’ll be left with nothing but a hollow shell of a life.  The way to do is to be.  

Anyone who calls attention to their good works is truly in it for the recognition that it may bring them.  To them, it puts a shiny veneer on their dark and drabby life and makes them feel good about themselves because to them, others think good of them.  Close analysis reveals that this is like putting chocolate frosting on a turd sandwich.  it looks like it should taste good from a distance but when you take that first bite, you’ll know.  People that draw this much attention to themselves must really be suffering from a gulf of self-esteem like no other.  

Honest people are quiet and humble on the surface.  People who are true don’t need to brag about their good deeds.  They just do them with efficiency and move on completely unconcerned for their reward.  Because they have a reward that’s inside them.  A light that shines that hypocrites will never know.  Good deeds make the person of humility a conduit for the light.  Hypocrites only get to see the light from a distance.  For them, it’s like looking in someone’s else’s window at night who paid their electric bill.  

Matthew 6:2

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”

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