On Path

Throughout my life I’ve read hundreds of books on philosophy, religion, comparative religion, healthy living, and spiritual growth.  These are topics that fascinate me.  So I read and study.  It’s not a lifestyle for everyone but it’s the one I’ve chosen.  I own it, I live it, and it’s mine.

One topic that always seems to pop up in all of the books I’ve read is a central concept of living your life by keeping “On path.”  Basically, this concept means living a life of integrity that doesn’t swerve from side to side in the world getting caught up in dramas and chaos that many subject themselves to every day.

Swami Vivekenanda said that “A person’s life is like a streetcar.  It travels along, serving those who need it along the way, but no matter what, the streetcar always keeps moving forward straight down the tracks toward its destination.”  I think this is a great metaphor.  What if each of us set a course for higher mental and spiritual ground?  What if we decided to act more ethically and honestly with others and ourselves and always followed our course toward that unchanging destination?  Along the way, people may need our help and we gladly give it.  We may also have temporary setbacks.  But with faith and persistence, you always know they’re only temporary, have a lesson for you, and you’ll end up right back on path in no time.  If the destination doesn’t change, your compass always points north.

This is the best way to live that I’ve ever discovered.  Jesus said “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.”  I think He was talking about this streetcar metaphor.  God and his righteousness is your destination.  We are the street car.  Our belief system, philosophy, and actions are the track.  The earth and the world we live in is the environment in which the streetcar travels.  Along the way, as our streetcar moves forward, we help others in every way possible.  Some will be with you for a short while and get off at the next stop.  Others will ride the streetcar with you all the way to the end.    Jesus also said “…All these things will be added to you” which further  implies that the entire world and everything that’s in it is yours if you put God first.  As we journey down our path, we may have to dump certain beliefs and habits that keep us from God’s righteousness.  The reward is the addition of “all things” to your life and the fulfillment of your heart’s desires.

So, stick to your chosen path.  “Seek and you will find.  Knock, and it will be opened to you.“  Staying on path makes your life calmer, your burden lighter, and your constitution stronger.  It’s the rock you’ll build a rewarding life upon.  Don’t get caught up in distractions on either side of your path either.  It’s OK to enjoy the scenery, just don’t let the streetcar crash because you took your eye off the road for too long.  Just keep moving forward.

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