
Did you ever notice how life really comes down to doing what you set your mind to doing? If you don’t do that thing, you’ve really just made an excuse to let yourself off the hook.

You wake up and say to yourself “I’m going to exercise today.” If you don’t do what you proclaim was it because of injury? Probably not. An incapacity or emergency of some sort? Bet you there wasn’t anything like that. The truth is the bed was warm and comfy. You’ve exchanged an opportunity to make your life what you want it to be for something easier. Small steps lead to big gains when you just do it.

“I’m going to quit drinking coffee.” Did you? If not why? Were you too tired? Sleepy? Was it just an old comfortable habit you decided not to wrestle with today? Be honest. These are really just excuses.

So, you could look at this negatively and listen to some more excuse chatter in your mind about extenuating circumstances etc. Or, you could look at it positively and say “Hey, this (insert habit here) has been under my control since day one. I choose whether or not I continue to engage in it.” And then you’re free. Life is about doing.

Start writing, walking, blogging, reading… Quit swearing, gossiping, drinking… You can do it. No more excuses.

“The truth, as I see it, is that everything you think, say, and do is a choice—and you don’t need to think, speak, or act as you’ve done for your entire life. When you abandon making choices, you enter the vast world of excuses.”
-Wayne Dyer, Excuses Begone

“Do or do not. There is no try.”

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