Asshole Gene

Not to make light of a single aspect of the recent unspeakable tragedy in Connecticut in any way – until we find a way to remove the asshole gene from the human DNA string, outlaw whatever you like, it will never do anything to counteract people’s capacity to do grotesque, monstrous things. Do I need assault weapons to hunt with? Of course not. Do I personally want to own assault weapons? No. Outlawing guns will never keep Timothy McVeigh from buying diesel fuel and fertilizer and blowing up a building that contained a daycare facility. After the Oklahoma City incident, no one ever screamed to outlaw Scott’s Turf Builder Plus 2, cube trucks, nor BP clean burning diesel with Invigorate. Millions if Americans are dying from obesity-related diseases but no one is outlawing forks. You could outlaw forks but people determined to eat too much would find a way to get the job done.

I believe we all miss the point when we legislate to take away freedoms from law-abiding citizens thinking it will stop lonely pathetic douchebags from wanting to make a name for themselves before they commit suicide. You want to stop this kind of thing? Stop watching the news and NEVER state the name of a killer like this publicly. It just breeds one-upmanship for freaks to go down in history as the greatest monster of all time. Everyone remembers Dylan Kliebold but no one remembers a victim from any of these crimes. Remove the fame and you diminish the incidents of this type of crime. Losers will go back to setting themselves on fire as a way to make a statement when they want out. We’ve lost an important aspect of humanity with our efforts to build unwarranted self-esteem in our kids. Let’s stop drugging our kids a start showing them how to garner attention that matters. Lets teach them to be great. Teach them to be amazing and then they’ll know what belonging and self-esteem is all about. Back in the 50’s people didn’t shoot up a theater before killing themselves, they were concerned for what their neighbors, friends, and family would think of their kids they’d be leaving behind.

Pete Williams of NBC news wrote a story about the Connecticut shooter Adam Lanza’s mother.  In the story he made the preposterous claim that, “It’s not uncommon for women who grew up with guns to purchase weapons” such as the one used in the attack. I’ve got news for you Pete Williams, it IS fucking unusual for anyone who grew up with a connection to guns for hunting or home protection to own assault rifles. Growing up with guns had nothing to do with the situation. You don’t need a machine gun to protect your home. My parents and family owned numerous guns for hunting but didn’t own an assault rifle of any sort – mainly because they didn’t want one of us kids to get hurt shooting up a bunch of soda cans on the shooting range without permission. But still, even though I don’t think we need an assault rifle in my house, I’ll defend anyone’s right to own one legally.

We didn’t find the root source of why Lanza’s mother owned an assault rifle by determining that her father had also owned guns but we did learn something bigger… Where Adam Lanza learned to be bat shit crazy.

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