Pretty Ugly

Hey, Mother Nature, I commend you on your efforts. This winter scene you’ve created is beautiful. Superlative. Breathtaking. Without equal. The only problem is, it’s spring. There should be flowers out there and not snow. Convertibles driving by not snowplows.

While, it’s disheartening there’s snow all over the place and the swallows can’t figure out why the hell they left Capistrano so soon, crappy spring weather can have its advantages.  Here are the top five:

  1. Rotten weather in the middle of April gives you less guilt for sitting inside and watching The Masters instead of getting out and weeding your flower bed.
  2. One word:  Taxes.  The only thing worse for those who procrastinated their taxes to the last minute is sitting inside agonizing over 1099’s and W-2’s when it’s seventy degrees and sunny out.  Bad spring weather eases the anguish.
  3. Rotten weather in spring gives you a chance to dream…  Dream about moving somewhere where it doesn’t snow until June.
  4. Spring snow usually melts off pretty quickly and doesn’t require shoveling.
  5. It really is pretty…

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