Old Tree Wisdom

There’s one smart tree in my yard. Every spring, all the other trees hurry up and get their leaves quickly, enduring snows and late April frosts along with a bunch of pissed-off robins who came back too soon. Every tree in the yard is so ambitious to get started except one. An old walnut tree planted at least sixty years ago by my grandfather. It patiently waits until June when spring in Wisconsin actually arrives.

I guess if you do anything enough times you start to learn. This tree’s been around the block a few times so it’s seen a few winters. I can practically hear it talking to the younger trees in a grumpy old tree voice, “You crazy saplings! Getting your leaves in April… When will you learn? Spring doesn’t come ’til June in these parts!”

I took the snow brush out of my car in March this year only to put it back in April after an 8 inch snowstorm. I think I saw some robins laughing at me.

With age comes wisdom. When I was a kid I think I remember seeing that tree get its leaves earlier. But it gradually wised up. I guess it’s why everyone does things a tad slower later in life. No need to rush what’s going to happen in due time anyway.

Next year, I’m not taking out my snow brush until I see leaves on that walnut tree.

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