
‎I was cranking a little classic rock this afternoon and came upon a revelation – the song “Blue Collar Man” by Styx kinda jams. I don’t really want to admit liking a Styx song.  Admitting so can open you to unfair judgment, scorn, and ridicule from your peers.

To your higher-brow friends, if it’s not Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, or the Stones, it’s junk.  To them, liking a Styx song is the equivalent of saying you like a model of Chevrolet car, eat Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and drink Bud Light.  You’re an unsophisticated brute, devoid of culture, and lacking in appreciation of higher things.  They think you’re too stupid to seek out intelligent music on your own and unthinkingly and ignorantly jam to whatever streams over the FM airwaves.

Liking Styx leaves you stranded on approval island with your hard rock buddies too.  Songs like “Babe” and “Lady” elicit instant scorn and get your man card taken away.  To these guys, If it’s not Tool, Soundgarden, or Disturbed, it ain’t going to fly.  “Babe” and “Lady” are songs that have to be enjoyed with headphones on.  Maybe “Come Sail Away” as well.  If you’re listening to them, don’t tell anyone.  If they’re on your iPod, don’t let anyone catch you rocking to them.

So, liking Styx tunes is risky business.  Do so at your own peril.


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