Steve Bannon

Is it just me or does Steve Bannon, President Trump’s Chief Political Advisor, look like he just came down off of a four day whiskey bender? I think so. But, I thought maybe I was alone in my opinion until an acquaintance of mine (a professional comic) wrote a funny Facebook post about Bannon:

“Steve Bannon looks like your mouth feels when you wake up the morning after a hard night of drinking.” -Lara Beitz

Lara posted another good one (she’s very funny – catch her show if you can):

“Steve Bannon is the guy who will eat all the deviled eggs at a party then leave without thanking the host.” -Lara Beitz

These posts got me thinking about the nature of the guy who’s the Chief Advisor to the President of the United States and why he looks like he spent a weekend home alone, covered in Oreo crumbs, never changing out of his pajamas once.

To me…

Steve Bannon is the guy at your party who takes a deuce in your powder room, doesn’t turn on the fan, and drops the hand towel on the floor on the way out.

Steve Bannon is the guy who dips into your community bowl of York peppermint patties and fills his jacket pocket, spilling several on the floor, and stepping on at least one.

Steve Bannon is the person who jumps into your hot tub without asking. No one else is in the hot tub nor even near it. It’s not a hot tub party. It’s your niece’s 10th birthday.

Steve Bannon looks in your fridge when all the food and beverage you are offering is fully on display on the table.

Steve Bannon takes off his shoes on planes and long car rides when someone else is driving.

Steve Bannon looks like he smells vaguely of Scotch and Funyons.

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