
I was watching The Empire Strikes Back last night for the 7,282nd time.  It never gets old.  But, it’s interesting how you notice something different about it each time you watch it.  Last night, for the first time, it struck me  how, after Luke was rescued from the surface of the ice planet Hoth, no one says anything about his smell when he gets back to the rebel base?   I mean, he just spent the night in the belly of a dead Tauntaun.  That had to stink.  I mean, bad stink.  Way worse than a car full of dudes on spring break with a beer hangover and a freshly vanquished bag of Taco Bell.  Han Solo was almost overcome when he split the thing open, “And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!”  I’d think that someone would notice.

To the filmmaker’s credit, they did skip directly ahead to the scene with Luke floating in the bacta tank.  They cut the part where the deckhands scattered when they opened the rescue ship’s door and Luke was in the back seat. 

Maybe the bacta tank was more about deodorization than a cure for hypothermia?  It explains the robust nose plugs.

Something to think about…

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