Ken Burns

Ken Burns’ Hair

All I can say is, “What has happened to Ken Burns’ hair?”  One could argue that Mr. Burns’ hair has always needed a little help but this hair-do is trapped in 1985, ravaged by over 25 years of Pert Plus abuse (shampoo and conditioner all-in-one).  This hair should be kept at least 6 feet from open flame.  Cotton candy and Q-Tips have less lift, airiness, and volume.  

This frame was taken from Burns’ appearance on the November 25, 2012 edition of “Meet the Press.”  One would assume that Ken wanted to look his best and spent a lot of time preparing for the appearance…  It also follows that they have a professional make-up staff who prep all talent for the show…  So, it’s safe to assume that this hair-do is “on purpose.”  He tries to look like this.  Come on.  Really?  This style is a Conair hair dryer accident – 20 minutes on high, sans mousse.

Let’s go Ken.  Work on that look or we’ll have to start a documentary on film-maker hair styles through the ages.  An unflattering expose’ on how talented “behind the scenes” people struggle mightily with professional image in front of the camera.  Peter Jackson, director of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, and Tim Burton will make a special appearance:

Peter Jackson

Tim Burton

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