
As a Wisconsin resident, I always hope that the groundhog actually will see his shadow on Groundhog Day. The promise of only six more weeks of winter would mark the earliest spring in meteorological history in Wisconsin. If he sees his shadow, that would put the first spring weather about mid-March. Sounds good to me.

The vague promise of “an early spring is really a cruel trick Mother Nature plays on Wisconsinites every year. Because, anyone who’s ever wintered here knows, actual legitimate, reliable, spring weather doesn’t really arrive until about June 12th. Or later. It can snow on any given day before. And has. Saying we’ll have an “early spring” in Wisconsin doesn’t mean much. “Early” could be May 10th.

I’ve actually worn a winter jacket to Summerfest before. For those who’ve never been, Summerfest is the largest outdoor music festival in the US held annually in Milwaukee the end of June through the first week of July. Normally the weather is beautiful. But it’s gotten down in the mid-40’s several nights during the fest before. Shorts and flip flops should be the required uniform – down should never be a wardrobe component of an event with “Summer” in its name. But it’s happened.

Sunny days in winter in Wisconsin actually provoke an intuitively inverse reaction to its residents. Because sunny days in February are generally clear and very cold. It’s the overcast days in which temps are mild. But don’t be mistaken, it can be cloudy and cold too. It’s just usually overcast in the winter in the upper Midwest. When we see the sun this time of year we pucker our extremities and bundle up.

I’m not complaining I’m just sayin’, winter can strike all the way up to July in these parts. So, if that timid little fucker Punxsutawney Phil wants to tiptoe out of his hole because he’s scared of the sun, let him. Six more weeks? I’ll take that shit.

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