Despicable Them

I didn’t think it was possible for me to like Kathy Griffin any less, but she found a way to out-do herself.  I mean, I pondered, “How could someone so crass, rude, and unfunny, make themselves even more unappealing?” And sure enough, in true Kathy Griffin form, she took things to a new level.  If you are unsure what I’m talking about, just do a search for her name and you’ll see one of the most tasteless displays of dissent I’ve ever witnessed.  I mean, I have a wide tolerance for artistic expression but her latest stunt was truly repugnant.

This situation then got me thinking even further…  Is Kathy Griffin the most despicable celebrity ever?  That’s hard to say, when there are so many despicable people in the world.

Let’s let the market decide.  Go here and vote to see who is the most annoying person alive.  It was tough to narrow this down to a field of 8.  When voting, ask yourself “Which person would I least enjoy drinking a cup of coffee/spirits with?”

We’ll have a winner on Sunday.

Vote Here


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