
I have an app on my phone with an alarm that sounds like birds chirping. Pleasant morning chirpy birds.  You can choose from a number of built-in sounds, but I thought that hearing the sound of birds in the morning would be a great way to wake up.  The app gently starts at the moment of your choosing and steadily increases in volume as it plays. A nice, soft way to ease you back to consciousness. I’m going to have to change things up because I’m starting to resent the sound of chirping birds.

I used to love the days of the year where you can sleep with the windows open. Warm days and cool nights followed by the natural symphony of blackbirds and robins playing outside in the lawn in the morning. This app has caused me to fucking hate birds.

Morning bird chirping is quickly being subconsciously associated with waking at a time not necessarily of my choosing. When real birds chirp you wake with a smile on your face. There’s a play – a dance going on outside. A celebration of life. When my app-birds chirp I now wake with the ire of an old man shooing pigeons away from his car. Chirpy birds signal my brain to anticipate another trip to the salt mine.

I’m a basically happy person. A lover of life and nature. Guess I should give “pinball” a try tomorrow.

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