Take a Pea

Whenever someone has a headache or injury of some sort, why do they always tell you to “Put a bag of frozen peas on it.”  I realize it’s cold therapy for an injury, but why peas?  Why not corn?  Water chestnuts?  Broccoli?  It’s always peas.

First off, I can’t believe that constant freezing and thawing of the peas does much for their edible shelf life.  I’ve never heard any professional chef, mom, or cook of any sort recommend that you take a freezer item, let it thaw to room temperature under the heat of your sweaty forehead, then replace it in the freezer for future use.

Second, why do you have to put food on your strained calf or pulled groin?  Wouldn’t a handful of ice in a Ziploc achieve just about the same result?

I mean, I get it.  Peas are small and I’m sure they form nicely around whatever ailing body part you place them on.  But gels and sports cold packs have come a long way.  Please give them some serious consideration and don’t be such a cheapskate.  Can’t anyone just go buy a damned cold compress anymore?

Peas.  Nature’s cure for edema.  Keep this in mind next time you’re invited over to Thanksgiving dinner at a gym rat’s house or your buddy who just had a vasectomy.  Can you really trust where those peas have been?

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