Before and After

Have you ever noticed how working out and eating right suddenly makes your boobs bigger, body hair fall out, and suddenly grow tan? There’s astonishing photographic proof in magazines everywhere. It seems to improve posture and clothing choices as well.

I guess, getting in shape makes you want to show off your body more. So, this evolution is logical. I think it causes guys to shop in the women’s personal care aisle at Walgreens a little more than is ideal though. I mean, back when this guy was fat and hairy, did he really need a five blade Lady Bic shaver to avoid knicks and cuts in sensitive areas? No, he left sensitive areas hairy, just like all other guys. But after working out, you’re not as ugly anymore. So, you want to share yourself with the world. Boom! Your shopping basket suddenly fills with lotions and foams to beautify and protect what was formerly covered in hair.

Once you’re groomed, pale and pasty just won’t do either. You gotta get some sun on that lily white body. If you’re disadvantaged and live in the north where it’s winter half the year, you’re going to have to hit a tanning salon. Sunbathing is out of the question. Into your Walgreens basket goes some bronzer too.

For the ladies, bigger boobs suddenly become a preoccupation too. After all, you can’t have this killer physique without adding a some D cup cans to the mix.

I suppose, having a great body is like having a nice yard. You put all that time and money into the landscaping, you gotta pull some weeds, cut the grass, and build a gazebo to make it look the best it can be. I mean, what if friends stopped by?

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