
5 posts


I read a spiritual training article in a philosophy class in college.  Essentially, it said for one to gain the most insight in life, it’s necessary to be a player and not a bystander.  Doing is a requirement to living.  Work more and relax less.  Write more and read less. […]


OK, so I was tooling through the streets of downtown Milwaukee today at lunchtime and came upon some asswipe from Illinois parked at a red light straddling the line between the right turn lane and the lane for through traffic.  I know he was from Illinois because his license plate […]


I have to travel quite a bit in my job.  While many times we’re shooting video for a big resort or other Five Star destination, many times we’re staying at the local $89 a night joint.  Decent, but nothing fancy.  Basically, a place to perform the three S’s, flop, and […]


Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker who’s written countless books and made hundreds of presentations on the subjects of overcoming procrastination, increasing sales, and mastering personal effectiveness.  I’ve come to really appreciate his direct, no-nonsense style that’s based upon his own personal experience, not the reformulation of trendy industry catch […]