
40 posts


I used to think that life required a crystal ball.  That you needed to see all ends, every pitfall, and every eventuality before starting a project.  This applied to anything and everything. I’d leave no stone unturned anticipating every potential problem before getting started.  What if this happened?  What if […]


I’ve been reading the book “Mastery” by Robert Green, the bestselling author of the book “The 48 Laws of Power.”  It’s really a fascinating study of creativity, genius, and the rules for mastering any field of study or area of concentration.  The book contains countless in-depth features of the lives […]


Did you ever notice how life really comes down to doing what you set your mind to doing? If you don’t do that thing, you’ve really just made an excuse to let yourself off the hook. You wake up and say to yourself “I’m going to exercise today.” If you […]

Squirrels Forget

Sometimes I ponder things.  The order of the universe and such.  It became strikingly evident to me that it’s a good thing all beings on earth don’t have the same habits nor share the same intelligence level.  I think it’s part of the divine plan. For instance, no one would […]


To a dog, almost everything is happening now.  Go outside now.  Eat something now.  Sniff something now.  Bark now.  Chase something now.  Hump something now.  They have a rudimentary, shadowy sense of the past, but they live almost completely in the now.  Dogs have absolutely no concept of the future. […]


When it comes to daily dress, a man should look like he’s ready for work or a fight.  That’s it.  Anything else is just gay.  Besides an excellently tailored suit, a man looks ridiculous or too feminine when all his clothes come together to make a perfect “outfit.”  A real man […]


I rode down the elevator with our office building janitor today.  He’s a nice guy.  Hispanic dude in his mid-forties.  He speaks English very well which is great when you consider that the only Spanish I speak is what I learned on Steve Martin stand-up comedy albums when I was […]


There’s a lot of conservatives in the world who are on the fence when it comes to the topic of charity.  Some come from the Christian right wing and donate a certain percentage of their income to charity without question.  Their view is that their tithe is a donation to […]


I hear a lot of people complain about minor aches and pains.  “Oh, my feet hurt from walking all day.“  These complaints usually come from soft, mushy people with the muscle definition of a manatee.  They have never considered exercise as an intentional choice endeavored to keep their bodies in […]


I think everyone know’s someone who makes a public display of their good deeds.  You know who I’m talking about.  Loud, boisterous people whose efforts pander to showcase their wonderful acts of kindness and generosity.  "Look at me!  I’m being generous!“  Their efforts aren’t necessarily to help anyone in particular, […]


You know today I thought a lot about the statement above.  I’d say that there have been definite periods of my life where I’d actually have looked down on someone for saying a phrase like “Life is about being happy.”  I’d consider them a malingerer, a loser, or a bum. […]

What If?

I remember when I was a kid, my parents liked to discourage my big dreams with their fears and limited thinking.  I was always admonished with the old adage “What if it doesn’t happen?”  I know that their intention was to keep me grounded in reality, to keep my thoughts […]