
5 posts

Steely Dan

I frequently get requests by people that go something like “Don’t you think that (fill in the blank band) is great?!”  Bands like Steely Dan…  Rolling Stones…  The Beatles…  And my answer always is the same, “Sure they are a perfectly serviceable band to provide sound in the background of […]


Sometimes I’ll cue up a song and play it over and over again, often ten or twenty times or more in a row.  I’ve found that it’s a process of emotional focusing.  A certain song will elicit a feeling that I want to duplicate and maintain for an indefinite period. […]


I was just checking out a segment of the podcast “Live from Daryl’s House” an independent music project of Daryl Hall of “Hall and Oates” fame.  Every month Daryl invites rock, pop, soul, country, and gospel musicians and singers to his house to perform a wide variety of music and […]


‎I was cranking a little classic rock this afternoon and came upon a revelation – the song “Blue Collar Man” by Styx kinda jams. I don’t really want to admit liking a Styx song.  Admitting so can open you to unfair judgment, scorn, and ridicule from your peers. To your higher-brow […]