
9 posts


I was watching The Empire Strikes Back last night for the 7,282nd time.  It never gets old.  But, it’s interesting how you notice something different about it each time you watch it.  Last night, for the first time, it struck me  how, after Luke was rescued from the surface of […]

Shah Levy

I’ve been watching “The Seventies” documentary series on Netflix. It originally aired on CNN but is a great watch. It’s fast-moving; like Cliff’s Notes for the decade. A stunning realization came to me while watching the show. I never considered how much the former Shah of Iran looked like Eugene […]

The Walking Dead

So, I’ve become one of the millions of lemmings who religiously follow and wait for new episodes of the AMC series The Walking Dead.  I’m ashamed because, I never wanted to be one of the people who sit around, foaming at the mouth, in anticipation of the airing of a […]

We Whored Out a Zoo

We just finished watching the commercial pap extravaganza “We Bought a Zoo.”  The movie was written and directed by Cameron Crowe, one of my favorite writer/directors.  “Almost Famous” and “Jerry Maguire” are two of the best in the genre in my opinion.  His latest effort “We Bought a Zoo” had some […]