
70 posts


I had to make a quick and very important decision yesterday.  I was headed over to a friend’s house to help do some yard work.  I had to decide which shoes I should bring.  Do I bring something comfortable with a little bit of style that I actually like wearing? […]


The older I get the more value I place in accomplishing simple household tasks without having to bend over.  Economy of motion becomes more important every year that passes.  Why bend if you don’t have to? I’ve got a large picture window in the front of my house.  The witch […]

You Live Where?

I just realized I have a pet peeve – people who ask me how I “Ended up” living where I currently reside.  That question always causes me to pause, think, and ultimately answer “I don’t know, how’d you end up where you are?”  I guess, I got here by being […]


It’s very easy to say “I’m too busy, I don’t have time for this or that.”   Lots of stressors compete for your time.  There’s so much to squeeze into the average day.  Things like going to the gym, the grocery store, throwing in a load of laundry, and getting […]


I hear a lot of people complain about minor aches and pains.  “Oh, my feet hurt from walking all day.“  These complaints usually come from soft, mushy people with the muscle definition of a manatee.  They have never considered exercise as an intentional choice endeavored to keep their bodies in […]


I have an app on my phone with an alarm that sounds like birds chirping. Pleasant morning chirpy birds.  You can choose from a number of built-in sounds, but I thought that hearing the sound of birds in the morning would be a great way to wake up.  The app […]

Summer’s Eve

I like to think about the creative process.  How ideas originate – that sort of thing.  It seems every great idea was spurred by an idea about something else.   For instance, today I was just hanging on my patio enjoying the perfect weather.  It was about 75 and sunny.  […]

Gross People

Did you ever stop and analyze the things that you do alone that you would never do in a million years in front of someone?  Booger picking, butt scratching, ear-hole digging…  That sort of thing.  But those behaviors are just the tip of the iceberg.  It’s like your public self […]


You know today I thought a lot about the statement above.  I’d say that there have been definite periods of my life where I’d actually have looked down on someone for saying a phrase like “Life is about being happy.”  I’d consider them a malingerer, a loser, or a bum. […]


I took a shortcut on my way to work this morning.  Thankfully, it only added twenty minutes to my trip.  I’ve notoriously done this in my life…  I’ll try a different route, expecting to save time, and find out in the end that my route didn’t take me anywhere I […]


OK, so I was tooling through the streets of downtown Milwaukee today at lunchtime and came upon some asswipe from Illinois parked at a red light straddling the line between the right turn lane and the lane for through traffic.  I know he was from Illinois because his license plate […]

Nose Holes

The average nostril is roughly the same circumference as your index finger. This can be for one reason only: booger picking.  Coincidence?  You be the judge. Analyze people’s finger sizes sometime.  People with small fingers have, get this, small noses.  People with big fingers have, you guessed it, big noses.  It’s […]

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving is like any other holiday.  To derive maximum enjoyment from it, you need to follow some rules.  Food is the central component in every Thanksgiving celebration, so prepare your plate properly to get the most taste satisfaction possible out of your meal. First, certain foods on your Thanksgiving Day […]


I’ve recently returned to the habit of making smoothies.  The delicious concoction of fruity goodness, yogurt, bananas, some protein powder, and other stuff.  The smoothie could be man’s greatest invention.  I’m the first to admit that the word “smoothie” just isn’t particularly masculine.  The name sounds more like a salon […]