
70 posts


Fun is great and all but never underestimate the power of bed. Sweet, warm, comfy, inviting, healing, restoring, delicious, wonderful bed. Twenty of the best parties ever don’t hold a candle to the feeling you get crawling into bed after a long hard day. I’m crazy about it. I highly […]


I’ve got a note to write about a man.  A man I didn’t get the opportunity to know nearly as well as I’d have liked and because of that, I’m sad. He was good man.  A smart man.  The kind of man who you knew within one minute of meeting […]

Old Tree Wisdom

There’s one smart tree in my yard. Every spring, all the other trees hurry up and get their leaves quickly, enduring snows and late April frosts along with a bunch of pissed-off robins who came back too soon. Every tree in the yard is so ambitious to get started except […]

Daylight Savings

I changed the clock on the microwave today to reflect daylight savings time. Not sure why though. It’s usually flashing :13 seconds or some other random time from whoever got done using it last and you can’t see the time anyway. This is a definite pet peeve. My niece once […]


I’ve been reading the book “Mastery” by Robert Green, the bestselling author of the book “The 48 Laws of Power.”  It’s really a fascinating study of creativity, genius, and the rules for mastering any field of study or area of concentration.  The book contains countless in-depth features of the lives […]


Did you ever notice how life really comes down to doing what you set your mind to doing? If you don’t do that thing, you’ve really just made an excuse to let yourself off the hook. You wake up and say to yourself “I’m going to exercise today.” If you […]


OK.  I don’t have kids.  But I like kids.  And I was one once.  So this qualifies me to have an opinion on this subject.  I always find it strange that people with kids find it necessary to first clarify “You don’t have kids” before they bore me with a story […]

Facebook Survival

It seems Facebook has become has become a fog of white noise, unsubstantiated opinions, and useless information – dare I say, mis-information.  I’ve unconciously developed some survival mechanisms to cut through. You might find these policies helpful to your daily navigation through this cesspool. Whenever you see a post that […]


To a dog, almost everything is happening now.  Go outside now.  Eat something now.  Sniff something now.  Bark now.  Chase something now.  Hump something now.  They have a rudimentary, shadowy sense of the past, but they live almost completely in the now.  Dogs have absolutely no concept of the future. […]

Airplane Bathroom

Never are you more on stage than when you stand up to go take a leak on an airplane.  To begin, you’re strolling toward the cockpit in front of 150 or so other passengers.  This automatically gets people’s attention because you’re quietly announcing that you’ve either got to shake the […]


When it comes to daily dress, a man should look like he’s ready for work or a fight.  That’s it.  Anything else is just gay.  Besides an excellently tailored suit, a man looks ridiculous or too feminine when all his clothes come together to make a perfect “outfit.”  A real man […]