
157 posts


‎I was cranking a little classic rock this afternoon and came upon a revelation – the song “Blue Collar Man” by Styx kinda jams. I don’t really want to admit liking a Styx song.  Admitting so can open you to unfair judgment, scorn, and ridicule from your peers. To your higher-brow […]


Great scene – M*A*S*H (1973) “Hot Lips and Empty Arms” INT. ARMY COMMANDER’S OFFICE – DAY Henry Blake, Hawkeye, and Trapper are sitting in the dark in Henry’s office watching a blue 8mm film.  There’s much laughter and ribald camaraderie taking place in the room.  Major Houlihan abruptly crashes in. […]

The Right Choice

Proper urinal selection is a key component to the daily male routine.  Many public bathrooms have more than one urinal, side by side.  Picking the right one can be a  complex process.  There’s a right choice and a wrong choice depending on what slot’s open and how many people are using […]

Food Rules

The meal right between breakfast and lunch is brunch.  And to me, the daily meal at the end of the day is supper.  Dinner is the fancy meal you have at 2:00 in the afternoon on special occasions like Thanksgiving and Easter. Convenience foods are available at all hours of […]

Ken Burns

Ken Burns’ Hair All I can say is, “What has happened to Ken Burns’ hair?”  One could argue that Mr. Burns’ hair has always needed a little help but this hair-do is trapped in 1985, ravaged by over 25 years of Pert Plus abuse (shampoo and conditioner all-in-one).  This hair […]

Visors and Stuff

Technology is great when it works.  Hell when it doesn’t.  Some things you just expect to work when you pick them up: a fork, a shovel, a pair of gloves, a blanket…  Some things are intermittent in their success rate: Volkswagens, PC’s, AM radio… And some things virtually never work […]


It’s official. The day I feared is here. I was at a restaurant jamming to a nice, nostalgic mix of music while I ate my lunch. I thought, “This a great bunch of songs I remember from when I was a kid.” It was the oldies station. A friend of […]

Bathroom iPad

I just saw a dude walk out of a public men’s room stall with his iPad in hand.  I don’t mean, he brought it in the stall with him and rested it gently on the toilet paper holder to keep it safe from theft while he took care of business.  […]

Pedestrian Hustle

OK, today was a slightly different morning commute for me.  I left early, drove to work with a different crowd, saw stuff that I don’t normally see, and basically, had a unique experience.  This early morning commuter crowd had more executives, and upwardly mobile types in it.  This was the, […]

We Whored Out a Zoo

We just finished watching the commercial pap extravaganza “We Bought a Zoo.”  The movie was written and directed by Cameron Crowe, one of my favorite writer/directors.  “Almost Famous” and “Jerry Maguire” are two of the best in the genre in my opinion.  His latest effort “We Bought a Zoo” had some […]

Apple Sweaters

Steve Jobs started legacies…  A standard of personal computing that is integrated, elegant, and fun to use…  New hardware that has revolutionized the ways in which we work and communicate…  And a style of dress and deportment that lives on despite his passing. I’m talking about the black sweaters that […]

My Giant Penis…

Ooops, I’m sorry.  That title was supposed to read “My Giant Pen is…”  I just bought a new pen and it’s really huge.  I wanted to write a few poetic lines about it but somehow mis-typed. This entry is another in my series “Let’s Eat Grandma!/Let’s Eat, Grandma! – Penmanship Saves Lives.”  So […]

The Superbowl 2012

Ok, the Superbowl is this weekend.  And, I have to admit, I’m looking forward to it with the same zeal I would have going to the laundromat or taking out the garbage.  I’m a huge NFL fan – I think it’s hands down the best professional sport going. But for […]


Well, I just found out today that the Big 10 conference has rolled out a new award to honor the conference’s top quarterback for the season.  The award is called (drum roll please): the “Griese-Brees” award.  Yes, the award honors two of the Big 10’s most successful quarterbacks – Bob Griese and […]