
16 posts


We have a very unique company vehicle at my office.  It’s an off-white 2013 Dodge Caravan.  It was supposed to have a purplish-colored decal applied to its sides that had a shape reminiscent of a certain type of fruit.  The decal didn’t quite turn out that way.  While it does […]


The guy that cleans our community office bathroom has a knack.  It seems, his bathroom cleaning schedule is astrologically linked to my dumping routine.  No matter when I go in there to take care of my daily newspaper reading, in the room he comes, whistling, with his mop in hand, […]


Some people get depressed in the winter.  They spend hours each day pining for spring and do everything in their power to find ways to distract themselves until the weather gets warm again.  They head to Jamaica.  They yearn for the warmth.  They curse the cold.  While there’s nothing wrong […]


Using lube.  It’s like going to the bathroom.  Everybody does it but no one likes to talk about it.   Lube is one of the more mortifyingly embarrassing things that you could leave laying out in your bedroom that you’d never want your mom to stumble on.  Other items include: […]

The Honker

Ok.  So, there’s this asshole who lays on his horn every day before leaving the parking structure under his building across the street from my office.  I know that he’s just trying to alert pedestrians before he pulls out onto the sidewalk.  However, he blasts his horn twice for about […]


I heard that kids today aren’t taught how to write in cursive anymore.  Is this a good thing?  What if they have to read something someone else has handwritten in cursive?  If no one in their generation can read it either, how will they know what the note says?  How […]


When is the last time that you thought of Canada? Really. There’s the second largest country in the world, by sheer landmass, right to our north and we never hear about Canada. Over 3.8 million square miles of lakes, elk, and a bunch of other stuff no one even knows […]


Great scene – M*A*S*H (1973) “Hot Lips and Empty Arms” INT. ARMY COMMANDER’S OFFICE – DAY Henry Blake, Hawkeye, and Trapper are sitting in the dark in Henry’s office watching a blue 8mm film.  There’s much laughter and ribald camaraderie taking place in the room.  Major Houlihan abruptly crashes in. […]

Bathroom iPad

I just saw a dude walk out of a public men’s room stall with his iPad in hand.  I don’t mean, he brought it in the stall with him and rested it gently on the toilet paper holder to keep it safe from theft while he took care of business.  […]