
5 posts


The older I get the more value I place in accomplishing simple household tasks without having to bend over.  Economy of motion becomes more important every year that passes.  Why bend if you don’t have to? I’ve got a large picture window in the front of my house.  The witch […]


I hear a lot of people complain about minor aches and pains.  “Oh, my feet hurt from walking all day.“  These complaints usually come from soft, mushy people with the muscle definition of a manatee.  They have never considered exercise as an intentional choice endeavored to keep their bodies in […]

The Gym

I recently joined a gym.  It’s been a while since I’ve had a membership.  I usually prefer to work out in the privacy and sanctity of my own home.  I do this for many reasons.  At home you don’t have to worry about that weird grunting face you make on your […]