Gary Scott

189 posts

The Gym

I recently joined a gym.  It’s been a while since I’ve had a membership.  I usually prefer to work out in the privacy and sanctity of my own home.  I do this for many reasons.  At home you don’t have to worry about that weird grunting face you make on your […]


Did you know that Facebook tracks the people with whom you correspond most and gives them priority on your news feed?  Once I learned this, I started picking and choosing who’s posts I commented on, just to manage who popped up most frequently on my news feed.  Everyone has a […]


I have to travel quite a bit in my job.  While many times we’re shooting video for a big resort or other Five Star destination, many times we’re staying at the local $89 a night joint.  Decent, but nothing fancy.  Basically, a place to perform the three S’s, flop, and […]

Asshole Gene

Not to make light of a single aspect of the recent unspeakable tragedy in Connecticut in any way – until we find a way to remove the asshole gene from the human DNA string, outlaw whatever you like, it will never do anything to counteract people’s capacity to do grotesque, […]


When is the last time that you thought of Canada? Really. There’s the second largest country in the world, by sheer landmass, right to our north and we never hear about Canada. Over 3.8 million square miles of lakes, elk, and a bunch of other stuff no one even knows […]


I was just checking out a segment of the podcast “Live from Daryl’s House” an independent music project of Daryl Hall of “Hall and Oates” fame.  Every month Daryl invites rock, pop, soul, country, and gospel musicians and singers to his house to perform a wide variety of music and […]


‎I was cranking a little classic rock this afternoon and came upon a revelation – the song “Blue Collar Man” by Styx kinda jams. I don’t really want to admit liking a Styx song.  Admitting so can open you to unfair judgment, scorn, and ridicule from your peers. To your higher-brow […]


Great scene – M*A*S*H (1973) “Hot Lips and Empty Arms” INT. ARMY COMMANDER’S OFFICE – DAY Henry Blake, Hawkeye, and Trapper are sitting in the dark in Henry’s office watching a blue 8mm film.  There’s much laughter and ribald camaraderie taking place in the room.  Major Houlihan abruptly crashes in. […]


Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker who’s written countless books and made hundreds of presentations on the subjects of overcoming procrastination, increasing sales, and mastering personal effectiveness.  I’ve come to really appreciate his direct, no-nonsense style that’s based upon his own personal experience, not the reformulation of trendy industry catch […]

Bob Costas

Bob Costas.  The ageless, eloquent, diminutive Bob Costas.  I’ve always respected him.  I’ve always liked him.  I enjoy his points-of-view.  I like his interviewing style.  He taught me how to ask tough questions and not make the interviewee hate you.  “So commissioner, some would say your interest in young boys […]

The Right Choice

Proper urinal selection is a key component to the daily male routine.  Many public bathrooms have more than one urinal, side by side.  Picking the right one can be a  complex process.  There’s a right choice and a wrong choice depending on what slot’s open and how many people are using […]

Food Rules

The meal right between breakfast and lunch is brunch.  And to me, the daily meal at the end of the day is supper.  Dinner is the fancy meal you have at 2:00 in the afternoon on special occasions like Thanksgiving and Easter. Convenience foods are available at all hours of […]

Ken Burns

Ken Burns’ Hair All I can say is, “What has happened to Ken Burns’ hair?”  One could argue that Mr. Burns’ hair has always needed a little help but this hair-do is trapped in 1985, ravaged by over 25 years of Pert Plus abuse (shampoo and conditioner all-in-one).  This hair […]

Visors and Stuff

Technology is great when it works.  Hell when it doesn’t.  Some things you just expect to work when you pick them up: a fork, a shovel, a pair of gloves, a blanket…  Some things are intermittent in their success rate: Volkswagens, PC’s, AM radio… And some things virtually never work […]


It’s official. The day I feared is here. I was at a restaurant jamming to a nice, nostalgic mix of music while I ate my lunch. I thought, “This a great bunch of songs I remember from when I was a kid.” It was the oldies station. A friend of […]