Gary Scott

189 posts

Bathroom iPad

I just saw a dude walk out of a public men’s room stall with his iPad in hand.  I don’t mean, he brought it in the stall with him and rested it gently on the toilet paper holder to keep it safe from theft while he took care of business.  […]

Pedestrian Hustle

OK, today was a slightly different morning commute for me.  I left early, drove to work with a different crowd, saw stuff that I don’t normally see, and basically, had a unique experience.  This early morning commuter crowd had more executives, and upwardly mobile types in it.  This was the, […]

We Whored Out a Zoo

We just finished watching the commercial pap extravaganza “We Bought a Zoo.”  The movie was written and directed by Cameron Crowe, one of my favorite writer/directors.  “Almost Famous” and “Jerry Maguire” are two of the best in the genre in my opinion.  His latest effort “We Bought a Zoo” had some […]

Apple Sweaters

Steve Jobs started legacies…  A standard of personal computing that is integrated, elegant, and fun to use…  New hardware that has revolutionized the ways in which we work and communicate…  And a style of dress and deportment that lives on despite his passing. I’m talking about the black sweaters that […]

My Giant Penis…

Ooops, I’m sorry.  That title was supposed to read “My Giant Pen is…”  I just bought a new pen and it’s really huge.  I wanted to write a few poetic lines about it but somehow mis-typed. This entry is another in my series “Let’s Eat Grandma!/Let’s Eat, Grandma! – Penmanship Saves Lives.”  So […]

The P.O. Must Go!

OK.  I’ve spent a great portion of my life thinking that the United States Post Office was actually one of the best divisions of the government.  (That’s hard to say for a Libertarian).  It actually worked.  Think of it, if you put a relatively inexpensive 44 cent stamp on a […]

The Superbowl 2012

Ok, the Superbowl is this weekend.  And, I have to admit, I’m looking forward to it with the same zeal I would have going to the laundromat or taking out the garbage.  I’m a huge NFL fan – I think it’s hands down the best professional sport going. But for […]


Well, I just found out today that the Big 10 conference has rolled out a new award to honor the conference’s top quarterback for the season.  The award is called (drum roll please): the “Griese-Brees” award.  Yes, the award honors two of the Big 10’s most successful quarterbacks – Bob Griese and […]