Yearly Archives: 2019

21 posts


I was watching The Empire Strikes Back last night for the 7,282nd time.  It never gets old.  But, it’s interesting how you notice something different about it each time you watch it.  Last night, for the first time, it struck me  how, after Luke was rescued from the surface of […]


I have predictive text enabled on my iPhone. It is an often useless feature. However, occasionally it is genius – like when it gave me the metal hand symbol emoji as an alt for the phrase “Rock on.” Bravo Apple. Bravo.


I used to think that life required a crystal ball.  That you needed to see all ends, every pitfall, and every eventuality before starting a project.  This applied to anything and everything. I’d leave no stone unturned anticipating every potential problem before getting started.  What if this happened?  What if […]


Checking Facebook is like shopping at Sam’s Club or Costco. You never really know what you’re going to find when you get there or if you’ll even see anything you want. But you keep going back anyway. The experience is overwhelming. Both are a giant collections of stuff, most of […]

Pretty Ugly

Hey, Mother Nature, I commend you on your efforts. This winter scene you’ve created is beautiful. Superlative. Breathtaking. Without equal. The only problem is, it’s spring. There should be flowers out there and not snow. Convertibles driving by not snowplows. While, it’s disheartening there’s snow all over the place and […]


Fun is great and all but never underestimate the power of bed. Sweet, warm, comfy, inviting, healing, restoring, delicious, wonderful bed. Twenty of the best parties ever don’t hold a candle to the feeling you get crawling into bed after a long hard day. I’m crazy about it. I highly […]