Yearly Archives: 2016

10 posts


Drywall hanging is a tedious, messy, and largely unrewarding process. Until it’s done. Completion is thoroughly satisfying. But every step of the way up to the point of completion will be a war of willpower. It will test your resolve. The half-finished walls will keep staring at you defying you […]

Fart Fib

Did you ever find yourself in an uncomfortable situation where you were in a semi-crowded area but knew you had to, how shall we say, release some pressure?  You get a slight twinge down below the equator but think you can safely bleed off the top 30 or 40% without […]


Ok, I’m in the process of migrating my blog from Tumblr to WordPress.  It hasn’t been as smooth and swimming as I’d hoped.  All this DNS and widget stuff has really gotten my hamster wheel spinning.  And the wheel is squeaking a lot and is annoying a lot of people.  Please […]

Squirrels Forget

Sometimes I ponder things.  The order of the universe and such.  It became strikingly evident to me that it’s a good thing all beings on earth don’t have the same habits nor share the same intelligence level.  I think it’s part of the divine plan. For instance, no one would […]