Yearly Archives: 2015

10 posts

Star Wars

I went and saw Star Wars The Force Awakens tonight.  It was good – really damned satisfying to watch.  Entertaining I’d even say.  I do have a few thoughts after watching however.  These are mere nitpicks about a really good movie, but were things that came to my awareness as […]


To a dog, almost everything is happening now.  Go outside now.  Eat something now.  Sniff something now.  Bark now.  Chase something now.  Hump something now.  They have a rudimentary, shadowy sense of the past, but they live almost completely in the now.  Dogs have absolutely no concept of the future. […]

Airplane Bathroom

Never are you more on stage than when you stand up to go take a leak on an airplane.  To begin, you’re strolling toward the cockpit in front of 150 or so other passengers.  This automatically gets people’s attention because you’re quietly announcing that you’ve either got to shake the […]


When it comes to daily dress, a man should look like he’s ready for work or a fight.  That’s it.  Anything else is just gay.  Besides an excellently tailored suit, a man looks ridiculous or too feminine when all his clothes come together to make a perfect “outfit.”  A real man […]


I had to make a quick and very important decision yesterday.  I was headed over to a friend’s house to help do some yard work.  I had to decide which shoes I should bring.  Do I bring something comfortable with a little bit of style that I actually like wearing? […]


I rode down the elevator with our office building janitor today.  He’s a nice guy.  Hispanic dude in his mid-forties.  He speaks English very well which is great when you consider that the only Spanish I speak is what I learned on Steve Martin stand-up comedy albums when I was […]


The older I get the more value I place in accomplishing simple household tasks without having to bend over.  Economy of motion becomes more important every year that passes.  Why bend if you don’t have to? I’ve got a large picture window in the front of my house.  The witch […]

You Live Where?

I just realized I have a pet peeve – people who ask me how I “Ended up” living where I currently reside.  That question always causes me to pause, think, and ultimately answer “I don’t know, how’d you end up where you are?”  I guess, I got here by being […]


I’ve found that coconut is a very polarizing food.  People either love it or hate it.  There’s simply no middle ground.  If you don’t believe me just go out and buy a couple bags of fun-sized candy bars.  The kind you’d give out at Halloween.  Get a variety of different […]