Yearly Archives: 2014

27 posts


I read a spiritual training article in a philosophy class in college.  Essentially, it said for one to gain the most insight in life, it’s necessary to be a player and not a bystander.  Doing is a requirement to living.  Work more and relax less.  Write more and read less. […]


OK, so I was tooling through the streets of downtown Milwaukee today at lunchtime and came upon some asswipe from Illinois parked at a red light straddling the line between the right turn lane and the lane for through traffic.  I know he was from Illinois because his license plate […]


OK, so I was tooling through the streets of downtown Milwaukee today at lunchtime and came upon some asswipe from Illinois parked at a red light straddling the line between the right turn lane and the lane for through traffic.  I know he was from Illinois because his license plate […]

Nose Holes

The average nostril is roughly the same circumference as your index finger. This can be for one reason only: booger picking.  Coincidence?  You be the judge. Analyze people’s finger sizes sometime.  People with small fingers have, get this, small noses.  People with big fingers have, you guessed it, big noses.  It’s […]


Some people get depressed in the winter.  They spend hours each day pining for spring and do everything in their power to find ways to distract themselves until the weather gets warm again.  They head to Jamaica.  They yearn for the warmth.  They curse the cold.  While there’s nothing wrong […]