Yearly Archives: 2014

27 posts

The Walking Dead

So, I’ve become one of the millions of lemmings who religiously follow and wait for new episodes of the AMC series The Walking Dead.  I’m ashamed because, I never wanted to be one of the people who sit around, foaming at the mouth, in anticipation of the airing of a […]


It’s very easy to say “I’m too busy, I don’t have time for this or that.”   Lots of stressors compete for your time.  There’s so much to squeeze into the average day.  Things like going to the gym, the grocery store, throwing in a load of laundry, and getting […]


We have a very unique company vehicle at my office.  It’s an off-white 2013 Dodge Caravan.  It was supposed to have a purplish-colored decal applied to its sides that had a shape reminiscent of a certain type of fruit.  The decal didn’t quite turn out that way.  While it does […]


There’s a lot of conservatives in the world who are on the fence when it comes to the topic of charity.  Some come from the Christian right wing and donate a certain percentage of their income to charity without question.  Their view is that their tithe is a donation to […]


I hear a lot of people complain about minor aches and pains.  “Oh, my feet hurt from walking all day.“  These complaints usually come from soft, mushy people with the muscle definition of a manatee.  They have never considered exercise as an intentional choice endeavored to keep their bodies in […]


I have an app on my phone with an alarm that sounds like birds chirping. Pleasant morning chirpy birds.  You can choose from a number of built-in sounds, but I thought that hearing the sound of birds in the morning would be a great way to wake up.  The app […]

Summer’s Eve

I like to think about the creative process.  How ideas originate – that sort of thing.  It seems every great idea was spurred by an idea about something else.   For instance, today I was just hanging on my patio enjoying the perfect weather.  It was about 75 and sunny.  […]


The guy that cleans our community office bathroom has a knack.  It seems, his bathroom cleaning schedule is astrologically linked to my dumping routine.  No matter when I go in there to take care of my daily newspaper reading, in the room he comes, whistling, with his mop in hand, […]


I think everyone know’s someone who makes a public display of their good deeds.  You know who I’m talking about.  Loud, boisterous people whose efforts pander to showcase their wonderful acts of kindness and generosity.  "Look at me!  I’m being generous!“  Their efforts aren’t necessarily to help anyone in particular, […]

Gross People

Did you ever stop and analyze the things that you do alone that you would never do in a million years in front of someone?  Booger picking, butt scratching, ear-hole digging…  That sort of thing.  But those behaviors are just the tip of the iceberg.  It’s like your public self […]


You know today I thought a lot about the statement above.  I’d say that there have been definite periods of my life where I’d actually have looked down on someone for saying a phrase like “Life is about being happy.”  I’d consider them a malingerer, a loser, or a bum. […]


This year’s Masters golf tournament leader board sounds like a rendition of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas: “On Walker, on Woodland, on Oosthuizen, and Spieth!  On Bubba, on Bjorn, on Senden, on Blixt!”

Crapper Phone

I accidentally left my cel phone sitting on the TP dispenser in a public men’s room today. I wasn’t using it in there, mind you, I just set it there for safe keeping while I took care of business. When I realized what I did and rushed back to get […]

What If?

I remember when I was a kid, my parents liked to discourage my big dreams with their fears and limited thinking.  I was always admonished with the old adage “What if it doesn’t happen?”  I know that their intention was to keep me grounded in reality, to keep my thoughts […]


I took a shortcut on my way to work this morning.  Thankfully, it only added twenty minutes to my trip.  I’ve notoriously done this in my life…  I’ll try a different route, expecting to save time, and find out in the end that my route didn’t take me anywhere I […]


I read a spiritual training article in a philosophy class in college.  Essentially, it said for one to gain the most insight in life, it’s necessary to be a player and not a bystander.  Doing is a requirement to living.  Work more and relax less.  Write more and read less. […]