Yearly Archives: 2013

33 posts


I’ve determined that nothing awakens your inner blood-lust and desire to kill like a fruit fly buzzing around stupidly in front of your computer screen.  So dumb and little flying there in my direct line of sight.  I don’t know why they make me so angry.  Maybe it’s because fruit flies are […]

Which One?

OK.  You’re driving down a two lane road and hit an intersection.  The light is red.  Blocking the right lane in poll position is an eighteen wheeler.  Blocking the left lane in poll position is a loaded dump truck.  Which lane do you pick? Common logic says that you don’t […]

Snow Days

What’s up with schools and the current trend of preemptively canceling classes for the threat of inclement weather?  For fear of sounding like my dad, they never cancelled classes due to the threat of bad weather when I was a kid.  I remember once, it was 385 degrees below zero, with a dark side […]


Did you ever take a second to read the cooking instructions on the side of a frozen burrito?  Basically, it says “Microwave on high for 2 ½ to 3 minutes.”  That sounds simple enough.  I can do that.  Or, it gives you alternate oven cooking instructions “Preheat oven to 350 […]


I heard that kids today aren’t taught how to write in cursive anymore.  Is this a good thing?  What if they have to read something someone else has handwritten in cursive?  If no one in their generation can read it either, how will they know what the note says?  How […]

The Gym

I recently joined a gym.  It’s been a while since I’ve had a membership.  I usually prefer to work out in the privacy and sanctity of my own home.  I do this for many reasons.  At home you don’t have to worry about that weird grunting face you make on your […]


Did you know that Facebook tracks the people with whom you correspond most and gives them priority on your news feed?  Once I learned this, I started picking and choosing who’s posts I commented on, just to manage who popped up most frequently on my news feed.  Everyone has a […]


I have to travel quite a bit in my job.  While many times we’re shooting video for a big resort or other Five Star destination, many times we’re staying at the local $89 a night joint.  Decent, but nothing fancy.  Basically, a place to perform the three S’s, flop, and […]

Asshole Gene

Not to make light of a single aspect of the recent unspeakable tragedy in Connecticut in any way – until we find a way to remove the asshole gene from the human DNA string, outlaw whatever you like, it will never do anything to counteract people’s capacity to do grotesque, […]


When is the last time that you thought of Canada? Really. There’s the second largest country in the world, by sheer landmass, right to our north and we never hear about Canada. Over 3.8 million square miles of lakes, elk, and a bunch of other stuff no one even knows […]