Monthly Archives: December 2013

4 posts


Using lube.  It’s like going to the bathroom.  Everybody does it but no one likes to talk about it.   Lube is one of the more mortifyingly embarrassing things that you could leave laying out in your bedroom that you’d never want your mom to stumble on.  Other items include: […]


I’ve found that there are a large number of daily tasks that come down to an either/or decision.  As in, if you perform the task one way, it will work perfectly, but if you perform the task the opposite way, it won’t work at all.  I’ve assembled a few of […]

Make It

I’ve spent a lot of my life looking around for that perfect something that fits my inner so and so. You know, that just right job, just right house, just right this, that, or the other thing?  Looking for that something that makes you feel complete, warm, and fuzzy inside. […]