Monthly Archives: March 2013

10 posts


Ernest Hemingway said we all need to have a “Built-in automatic crap detector.”  A severe, unswerving, unrelenting ability to try and figure out what a person is saying without any fluff.  Cut it to the very marrow.  Try this.  Take any common daily communication and then whittle it down and […]


I’ve recently returned to the habit of making smoothies.  The delicious concoction of fruity goodness, yogurt, bananas, some protein powder, and other stuff.  The smoothie could be man’s greatest invention.  I’m the first to admit that the word “smoothie” just isn’t particularly masculine.  The name sounds more like a salon […]


They said that the vestments are sitting in a back room at the Vatican waiting for the new Pope. Not knowing the jacket size of the new Pope until he’s elected they have several vest sizes to ensure a good fit: small, medium, and large. Unfortunately, there’s no 2XL.  I […]


I’ve determined that nothing awakens your inner blood-lust and desire to kill like a fruit fly buzzing around stupidly in front of your computer screen.  So dumb and little flying there in my direct line of sight.  I don’t know why they make me so angry.  Maybe it’s because fruit flies are […]

Which One?

OK.  You’re driving down a two lane road and hit an intersection.  The light is red.  Blocking the right lane in poll position is an eighteen wheeler.  Blocking the left lane in poll position is a loaded dump truck.  Which lane do you pick? Common logic says that you don’t […]