Monthly Archives: January 2013

3 posts


I have to travel quite a bit in my job.  While many times we’re shooting video for a big resort or other Five Star destination, many times we’re staying at the local $89 a night joint.  Decent, but nothing fancy.  Basically, a place to perform the three S’s, flop, and […]

Asshole Gene

Not to make light of a single aspect of the recent unspeakable tragedy in Connecticut in any way – until we find a way to remove the asshole gene from the human DNA string, outlaw whatever you like, it will never do anything to counteract people’s capacity to do grotesque, […]


When is the last time that you thought of Canada? Really. There’s the second largest country in the world, by sheer landmass, right to our north and we never hear about Canada. Over 3.8 million square miles of lakes, elk, and a bunch of other stuff no one even knows […]