Monthly Archives: November 2012

5 posts

Food Rules

The meal right between breakfast and lunch is brunch.  And to me, the daily meal at the end of the day is supper.  Dinner is the fancy meal you have at 2:00 in the afternoon on special occasions like Thanksgiving and Easter. Convenience foods are available at all hours of […]

Ken Burns

Ken Burns’ Hair All I can say is, “What has happened to Ken Burns’ hair?”  One could argue that Mr. Burns’ hair has always needed a little help but this hair-do is trapped in 1985, ravaged by over 25 years of Pert Plus abuse (shampoo and conditioner all-in-one).  This hair […]

Visors and Stuff

Technology is great when it works.  Hell when it doesn’t.  Some things you just expect to work when you pick them up: a fork, a shovel, a pair of gloves, a blanket…  Some things are intermittent in their success rate: Volkswagens, PC’s, AM radio… And some things virtually never work […]